Thursday, December 17, 2009

Feeling better postpartum wise

Well it's been 4 months since I had Vivi now and I am feeling better, but I am knocking on wood right now because I know things can always change. Hopefully it doesn't. This is how it usually goes, I tell someone something and then the next day it changes. Like "oh my baby is sleeping through the night" and then the next night it never happens again for months. Hopefully that doesn't happen with me feeling better. I think I started feeling better when Vivi was about 2 months old, but that's partly because I am taking an anti anxiety/depression med. It's called Celexa, and I'm on a low dose, but it seems to take the edge off. I've discovered I am a tightly wound person that does have anxiety problems, and pregnancy seems to bring it out even more. Also I think lately that everyone is crazy- sorry if you think you're not :) I really am convinced that everyone has a crazy side. It's only when you can't cope with it that it becomes a problem. I am learning to cope with my anxiety. Just wanted to document that I am feeling better- yeah!


  1. Wow, thanks for sharing and being so honest! We all have our struggles and it's good to know that we all are real. I hear ya on a lot of the things you said! I definitely have my moments as well with the said problems, must be left over from fertility drugs and hormones. I'm glad to hear you're feeling better! Hang in there -- Heidi

  2. I'm so glad you're on the upswing now Liz! I love that you're willing to talk about your anxiety--so many people are ashamed of being slightly 'crazy' but you're so right: We're ALL a little crazy (some of us more than others!). Honestly I'm not sure I'd want it any other way. Dealing with your own craziness makes you stronger, and helping people with theirs brings you closer.

  3. I agree -- we all have a little crazy in us! It's funny what brings it out too. I know mine is a bit of ADHD combined with OCD :). Just never been diagnosed.

    And after every baby I've become a shopaholic. Like serious, crazy spending on things that don't even matter. But I laugh at myself, recognize this in me, and then just enjoy it :).
