Wednesday, May 22, 2013

I curled my hair for this?

We had the great opportunity to go to a Bees baseball game tonight. Here's the thing, something inside of me wants to make it sound like the game was a wonderful family experience, but then I remember that I'm trying to be "real".  So, I can not tell a lie...  The night actually kind of sucked. I mean there were some ok parts, but I'm pretty sure I don't want a do over.  It all started when Mr. Houston came home from work.  We both got a little grouchy at each other.... GASPS...  yes even us perfectly married people know how to  get into a fight :). Now there are 3 sides to a fight ya know (mine,mine,and mine) so luckily I'm writing this so you can get the correct info...  I was mad that no one noticed what a lovely clean home I had provided for them to come home to.  I mean hello I vacuumed AND mopped.  Also, people, I had taken a crazy amount of time to curl my hair. You may not think that last part is anything to complain about, but if you had my hair you would understand my misery. I can't remember the last time I curled my hair because it takes FOREVER.  Today I had started the tedious processes of getting my hair to curl for the eyes of my Mr. Houston, but since he didn't even notice, I'm  changing my mind...  I curled it specifically for The Bees.  That's right Utah Baseball I curled my hair for you.  Also, just to be fair, apparently Mr. Houston had had a bad day at work and I was not being empathetic.  Anywhooo, so we weren't communicating our FEELINGS. Off to the baseball game we went with kids in tow.  Parking was crazy, the wind was crazy, someone was sitting in our seats, the kids kept complaining that it was "SO boring".  Luckily my Mr. Houston bought those complaining kids some cotton candy and then it became the best night ever for them. The Bees were playing horribly.  Hello Bees didn't you hear I curled my hair for you?  You all could have tried harder in my opinion. Well at least we got to ride the little train around the baseball field.  But seriously did I really curl my hair for all of this?  Next time it will be a hat day.

I feel a little bit bad about complaining about my husband.  I love you Mr. Houston.  You are a good guy, but come on please notice the hair... It's way more important than noticing if I vacuumed.  Let this just be a reminder for all you good guys out there. When a woman does something different with her hair-notice, or just try to notice.

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