Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sick or Lazy....

Maybe it's a little bit of both. I don't want to admit to being lazy, but that is just how I feel lately. Granted, I am pregnant and totally sick because of this little one inside of me, and we just moved and have been trying to get the house organized, and I in the past month have had the flu, food poisoning, and a bad cold. So, maybe I'm not lazy... but all I do lately is sit on the couch and watch TV. As soon as the kids are asleep Shawn and I just veg. There's plenty to get done too, but it will wait for another day I suppose. I haven't blogged for almost two months now, but I have thought about it. I wrote an entire entry in my mind one night about how men don't even know the meaning of selflessness. I was grouchy at the time thinking how unfair it is that I have to suffer with being sick and pregnant while Shawn never has to change his body. I had whole sections outlined on the inequality of this suffering. Don't get me wrong, the baby part = blessing, but the pregnant first trimester part = curse. Anyway, I must be feeling a little better now because I don't think I will write that entry (you're welcome Shawn). I do want to catch up on my blog though. I will catch up, but not now.... maybe when I'm not sick and lazy.


  1. Sorry you've been sick so much. Hopefully it's all behind you and that you'll feel great the rest of your pregnancy. :)

  2. 1st trimesters just aren't fun at all. I took a big break from all things computer during that time, too. Just couldn't get the motivation to do anything! I'm sure you're almost over the hump, though! Can't wait to hear what you are having . . .

  3. I am still doin' the couch thing. . . so I hope it doesn't last long for you! I think the whole baby part is great, the pregnancy part is NOT, as well. Why do we have to get sick AND fat? Hope you feel better soon!

  4. Well, I think you need to give yourself a little more credit! You've had a lot on your plate lately, and if I'd had food poisoning and a bad cold, pregnant or not, I'd be sittin' on the couch too! :) Hope you get to feeling better once the first trimester is over.

  5. I'm sorry to hear you've been sick -- no fun! Sorry the pregnancy has been hard too! I think I've forgotten what it feels like to be pregnant. Hang in there.
