Friday, September 18, 2009

No More Snoring

Claire had her tonsils out two weeks ago because she had sleep apnea. I think she probably had this her whole life, but we just figured it out a few months ago. She's always snored, but I thought that some people are just that way. Apparently her snoring was because her tonsils were HUGE, and I mean HUGE. The doctor after he took them out was surprised that she was breathing at all. Not too great for a parent to hear, but at least they are out now.
Her throat and ears were sore for about the first week. She missed about a week of school, but now she is doing great! I mean she is really doing great. She doesn't snore at all anymore, and she gets a great night of sleep. It's the weirdest thing to walk by her room and have it be so silent. Poor girl. All this time snoring and not breathing well.
Primary Children's Hospital was wonderful too. They were so nice and helpful. We couldn't have had a better hospital to have it done in. You never like to see your kids in a hospital bed, but she does look pretty cute. Oh, but was she ever goofy after surgery with all the pain meds they gave her. She was claiming to everyone that math is her favorite subject- this didn't fade with the pain meds either. It stuck. She still thinks math is great. Shhhh don't anyone tell her.... but before surgery she thought math was "boring". -Weird huh? :)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

30 Little Toes

Look at these cute feet! I can't believe how much Claire's have grown, and how small Vivi's are. Time goes by so fast. Soon Vivi's will be the size of Will's.... and Will's will be the size of Claire's... and Oh, I don't even want to think of these feet growing anymore. Let's just try to keep them this size for awhile.

Sweet Vivi!

Vivi is 4 weeks old today! She will officially be a month old this Saturday. I can't believe it was four weeks ago that we didn't even know her yet. Now it seems like she has been part of our family forever. She is so sweet and cuddly. We are so lucky to have her! Life is chaotic with three, and I feel like I don't have a minute to spare, but I am so glad Vivi is here and I can kiss and hug my sweet Vivi!

Rocks and Flowers and Feeling Loved!

Will has recently started giving me rocks as gifts. I kind of laugh to myself every time he gives me a rock because he is so sincere in giving me a nice gift. In his mind how could I want anything more than a rock? He loves to find cool rocks. He keeps a lot of them for himself, (he has quite a collection going on- to Shawn's frustration) but every once in awhile he will bring me a rock and say "Momma this one's for you!". He started bringing me rocks a few months ago. One day when they were outside Claire picked me a flower, and Will brought in a rock for me. Now I am the proud recipient of flowers from Claire and rocks from Will. And to tell you the truth I love both gifts. Who couldn't love kids that pick out the perfect flower and rock for their mom.
Of course when Will is a teenager and starts dating we might have to tell him that flowers are preferred by some :)!