"Reality"... everyone has their own. I'm trying to shine some light on the real, not the ideal. Real is not neat and pretty. Real is messy, and crazy, but can be funny and wonderful too. This is our reality what is yours?
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Vivi's First Birthday!
My baby is one! As soon as she turned the big 1 she decided she wanted to be independent. She started walking and has never looked back..... literally she never looks back to see where I am or if I'm following. She is off on her own, and I am running after her trying to keep up and minimize the damage of her wake. Here are some pictures of her birthday! Thanks to all of our family for coming over, and thank you to my wonderful mother-in-law for making the cake! It was fabulous!!! Happy Birthday my sweet Vivi! Your smile brightens my day- I love you!
Oh my goodness. . . .that is Claire in miniature. Definitely a compliment!