Friday, April 17, 2009

Home Sweet Home... for robins too!

I've recently noticed a lot of robins around the front of our home. I also recently got a new wreath for our front door. I liked the wreath because it looks like it has blueberries on it. It looked yummy and like a good wreath for spring and summer. Anyway, the other day I noticed a lot of straw sticking out of the wreath. I assumed some wind had put it there, so I started pulling out the straw until I realized quickly what was really up in the wreath. A little bird had built a cute little nest and even laid an egg right there. I was happy to see the cute litte blue egg, but then I was horrified that I had touched it. Don't birds abandon their nests if they smell human smells around it. So, now I'm constantly looking out for the mama bird and hoping she comes back. I did touch the wreath one more time to show Claire, Will and Shawn and get the picture. The kids were so excited to see it. The little blue egg really is the sweetest little thing. I really hope it hasn't been abandoned. I also hope the bird didn't think the berries were real. I noticed a few peck marks in some of the berries. Hopefully the birds didn't get poisoned by them. Maybe next time I won't buy a berry wreath. I'm really feeling a little bad about it. I hope the mama comes back. We will keep our eyes out for her. It was amazing to see the nest. Claire and Will are now fascinated by birds and think it's the coolest thing that a bird built a nest on our door.


The kids in their Easter clothes!

We had a great Easter and Spring Break this year. It was colder than expected, but that didn't stop us. Shawn had the Friday off before Easter so we decided to try out our family in miniature golfing. I couldn't stop laughing the entire time. The kids loved it, and we loved watching them. They would hit the ball and then get so excited that it got closer to the hole, but then they would pick it up and move it even closer to the hole. One day we will explain the rules to them, but it was so fun just to be together and let them do what they wanted and have fun! Here are some pictures.

Shawn trying to show Claire how to hit the ball.

Will moving his ball closer to the hole!

On Saturday we went to Wheeler Farm to have an Easter egg hunt, but were disappointed when they announced they ran out of eggs and couldn't continue the egg hunt. The kids were totally bummed. The Easter part at Wheeler Farm didn't work out very well, but we still went on a wagon ride and saw all of the animals. Claire was excited to have a cow eat out of her hand. Luckily we got together later with cousins Liddy and David and had a little egg hunt in their home. And then we had another Easter egg hunt with Grandma and Grandpa Smith on Easter, so they did get their fill of egg hunts! On Sunday we ate lunch at our home with Grandma and Grandpa Smith and Kirsten and Eric and then for dinner we went over to Trisha and James' with the rest of the family and had a great dinner! Here are some more pictures of our fun weekend!

Claire and the Easter Bunny at Wheeler Farm. Will wasn't interested in meeting this big bunny. Maybe next year.

Will at Wheeler Farm

Will pretending to ride a horse

Claire talking to a horse at Wheeler Farm. Really, she was talking to him.

Claire trying to feed the horse some grass- see the grass in her hand?

I had to take a picture of the fabulous job I did on Claire's hair. She only likes it straight so I have to take pictures sometimes to show that I can do her hair.

Will, Claire, Liddy and David at their home after the little egg hunt we had!


OK, this is an embarrassing moment for me, but I should take a lesson from Claire and just learn to laugh more. Claire has been taking swimming lessons for the past couple of months. Right after Kindergarten gets out we rush home to change into her swimming suit and then rush to the pool. Recently I sent her upstairs alone to change into her swimming suit and cover up. Then I rushed her to the car assuming the swimming suit was on correctly (you know where this is going right). Well, we were running late so I dropped her off at the pool and told her to get undressed and go to her class while I parked the car. I came in about 3 minutes behind her, but 3 minutes was too long because I took one look at her and I turned bright red. She had put her swimming suit on backwards. Credit to her the front and back of that particular swimming suit don't look too different until it's on. It just didn't look quite right. I quietly called her out of the pool and told her she had her suit on backwards. She looks down and starts cracking up. She says, in between laughs, "that's why it feels funny". Then she turns to her teacher and class and exclaims in a loud comical voice that her suit is on backwards and how silly it is. They all laugh and I take her to the dressing room. We get it on right and she finishes swimming without thinking about it again. All I can think is I'm so embarrassed, and what are all the other mothers thinking that I bring my daughter to swimming dressed backwards, until I remember how Claire reacted to the situation, and I realize I can learn from my wonderful daughter to laugh more. Really, it was hilarious. Of course I didn't get a picture- nor would I post one, but I'm so glad to have Claire! She is the most loving, caring, sensitive, helpful, laughing, comical little girl that I love so much! Thank you Claire for teaching me to laugh over and over again!

24 Weeks and counting.....

Or in other words I am about 6 months pregnant. I am feeling huge, but I know I will get even huger in the next three months. With my other two pregnancies I didn't take too many pictures of myself, but we are pretty sure that our family will be complete after this baby, so I thought I might as well take a few pregnancy pictures. Maybe then I can remember being pregnant in the future, or I can show my kids that 'yes look I really did carry you for 9 months'. So, anyway here is a picture of me on Easter last week. I'm definitely bigger than I remember being at this stage with Claire or Will, but I'm trying to enjoy being pregnant if this might and probably will be the last little one to add to our family. I always say I am glad I was given one baby at a time because that is all I can handle. Plus every time I have a new baby I really think I am DONE. I was sure I was done after Claire and then definitely done after Will, so I guess you never know until you really are done. My mother-in-law told me when I'm done having kids it will hit me like a ton of bricks, and I'll just know. I'm a little worried about that ton of bricks part, but we will see. It might be nice to know that this is my family. For those of you that have completed your family, how did you know you were done?