Tuesday, July 28, 2009

First Grade!!!!

Claire on her first day with her huge back pack!

You are probably thinking "WHAT???- it's still July!" We are on Year Round school now. So, this is how it worked. We got out of School June 11th and started a new school year today. We had 6 weeks of summer. I think that was plenty though. We will have a nice 3 week vacation in October and then in January and then in April, so it's just broken up more. I think we will like the schedule. It will be great for vacations. Plus summer didn't get too long or boring.
The big thing is that Claire started going to First Grade (all day long) today! The all day long part is the weirdest thing. I really missed her, but the day went by faster than I thought. Maybe that's because I'm busy trying to get ready for the baby. She had a good day. She did say that she missed kindergarten, but I think it's just because she was worn out when she got home. She also didn't eat all of her lunch so she was starving when she got home. The reason she didn't eat her lunch was because they make the kids sit at the tables for at least 8 minutes before they let them go out to recess (for those kids that would rather play than eat anything), so after the 8 minutes Claire thought she HAD to leave. She had only taken one bite of sandwich and ate a few carrots. Hopefully she will take more than 8 minutes to eat lunch tomorrow. She also didn't meet me in our designated meeting spot. She heard other kids saying they were riding their bikes home so she got excited and ran over to the bikes to ride her bike that wasn't there. I had to ask her teacher if she had seen her. She said Claire was so excited about riding her bike she took off that way. Maybe she can ride tomorrow. Other than that her teacher is great, and she got to play with a good friend at recess. It was a big day for Claire, but I think she will love this year.

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