Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Heavenly Father Answers Our Prayers

This was our Family Home Evening Lesson last night. It went well. Everyone was good and listened and participated. I don't expect them to be still and silent. I mean Will is upside down on the couch most of the time, but he is listening.
I got the lesson from an old primary sharing time manual. I copied the pictures of three different stories (Daniel and the lions den, the city of Enoch, and the Pioneer story) I made two copies of each- one was for a visual ad while I told the story and the other I cut up into a puzzle. So, I told the story of each picture and how the prayers were answered in each example. Then I emphasized that if all of these peoples prayers were answered Heavenly Father would surely answer our prayers. He doesn't just pick and choose who he answers he answers every ones prayers- maybe not in the way we want, but in the way that is best for us. Then the kids took turns picking a puzzle piece of the cut up pictures- I had put clues on the back to help them know which picture it was and they put the puzzles together. The puzzle was to see if they listened to the stories. I was impressed. Will even got the puzzle clues and knew what story went with each piece. So, that's it- we also had brownies 'cause dessert makes everything better- and works to bribe the kids to be good :)!

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