Monday, January 25, 2010

Pretty Pretty Princess?

I was busy last week and didn't have a chance to post our Family Home Evening, but we did have it. We talked about prayer again, but that's because I've noticed that our prayers have become repetitious. So, we talked about the basics of prayer how we thank Heavenly Father for things- because he's given us everything. I told the kids they need to be observant of the little things each day that they are given and thank Heavenly Father for those as well as the big obvious things. Then we talked about how Heavenly Father can help us with every thing and that we can ask him in prayer to help us. Last we talked about how it's important to pray for other people too. We need to think of people in our lives that need some extra help and pray for them- I want my family to think about other people not just ourselves. Then to get the ball rolling we asked for the kids to think of three things they are thankful for and three things they could specifically ask help for from Heavenly Father. This turned out well because I could actually see them thinking of different things. Anyway, we then had blueberry cobbler- yum, and played Pretty Pretty Princess (Claire got to choose the activity). Here is a picture of Will and Shawn as a pretty princess! Hehe!!!

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