Tuesday, May 21, 2013

President Obama Might be Santa

President Obama, Santa, and the Easter Bunny are all on the same playing field (according to my first grader). Back in November my first grader wrote a congratulatory letter to President Obama. We believe in respecting the office of president no matter who you voted for. 
So, a couple of weeks ago we got a nice return package in the mail from the President addressed to my son. In the package were photos of the first dog, and the White House and a nice letter thanking Will for his letter and how the President is so glad that Will is being a good student.... When Will read that part he got all wide eyed and asked 
"how does the President know I'm a good student? He must know everything". 

And that is how President Obama became similar to Santa. Now my son believes that The President is all knowing/seeing like Santa, and of course I will use this to my advantage
 . He truly believes that the president is keeping tabs on his school progress. It does put a slightly different spin on "big brother is watching". But I will take it, And Thank you President Obama for the helpful letter!

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